여자들이싫어하는남자행동 II

Part 2 of article activities guys do that we females dislike continues.

13. 여자한테자꾸사달라고하는남자
Guys who keep wanting girlfriends to shower them with gifts. To me gifts is an indication of affection and love, with element of surprise. When it goes beyond all these and jumps straight to materialism, it defeats the purpose of gifts already. I was reading a piece of news online about a guy stealing a bicycle to present to girlfriend as a gift. Is this what you want? How about getting cards as gifts? They are so much more meaningful.

14. 선물기념일생일에만주는남자
Guys who only prepare presents during anniversaries and birthdays. I’m actually quite happy to be able to receive presents during these occasions. Guys in modern days are so busy too, with 101 things on their mind. For them to be able to remember all these dates is already an effort.

I’m suddenly reminded of this couple from China. The story started by a girl relating how upset she was when her boyfriend of 4 years wanted to break up with her after a quarrel over family matters. The show invited the couple to the show and the guy started to shine light on the whole matter. The girl is totally ridiculous.

One of the things she ask, for the guy to send her to the train station despite his mom sprained ankle and needs to go to the hospital. She managed to get her way by not letting her boyfriend off the car. After a few days, she stormed to the hospital and told his mother “Is there such a need? You’re not even dead!” Another requirement, for the guy to celebrate a form of Valentines every month for the past 4 years, in addition to anniversary days, birthdays… etc. Presents must be different and thoughtful.

After looking at how demanding the girl is, I suddenly feel like I can be the best girlfriend in the world. (Self-acclaimed) So come mon’ guys!!! I’m available!!!!!! (The post is taking to a very weird turn XD)

Anyway this woman has much much more requirements and too many to name. If you’re interested, click on the vid below. It’s in mandarin though.

15. 여자가울면짜증내는남자
Guys who get irritated whenever girlfriends cry. I am not a girl who cries in front of boyfriends. Usually I leave and disappear, cry and lick my wounds clean before I re-appear in front of boyfriend. I can understand why guys get irritated. They feel at a loss and don’t know where to put their hands when tears start flowing down girlfriends’ faces.  However there are times when tears just flow down uncontrollably, guys should also understand. I’m speaking for myself here, all I need is to stay quietly by my side and hold me in your arms. I’ll quieten down after a while.

16. 장난이라도여자한테살쪘다고하는남자
It may be a joke, but guys who constantly ask girlfriend whether you have put on weight. Yes it could be a joke. I’m sorry, who’s laughing here? I certainly am not. Do you really find it so funny? Your jokes definitely need more polishing because all you’re getting is a pissed girlfriend.

17. 여자의몸무게를궁금해하는남자
Guys who are very curious about girlfriends’ weight.  Nope! It’s a secret I am bringing into my grave. I will not reveal no matter how many times you ask, so stop asking.

18. 만날때졸리다하는남자
Guys who keep saying they are very tired and feels like sleeping when they meet up with you. I guess this is similar to No. 9 in my previous post. The irritating level is definitely the same.

19. 여자기죽이거나무시하는남자
Guys who do not care what girlfriends think. I’m not a puppet, I have brain and thus, I have ideas too. If you are with me, respect what is running through my mind. I am not a nutshell nor a bimbo.

20. 욱하는남자
Guys who antagonize easily. It’s like having to deal with a time bomb all the time. You never know when the time bomb is going off. I’m sorry, I don’t think my frail heart can handle this suspense.

21. 아는척,센척,잘난척하는남자
Guys who keep going on as though he’s the most knowledgeable in the whole wide world.  I have a friend’s boyfriend in this style. I got irritated in about 5min of meeting the guy. He can take part in every conversation, very confident of his speech and constantly tries to tell you something he thought you don’t know. If there is something I do not know, it is probably I’m not interested. I would have found out the answer if I am so interested. So no thank you, smart aleck! It is even more infuriating that he thought he’s done very well blending into the group and sociable at the end of the day because he’s taken part in every single conversation and topic. These people just don’t get it!

22. 여자보다애교를더부리는남자
Guys who can do aegyo (being cute) better than girlfriends.

Who can resist this!!! You tell meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! If you can do aegyo cute like this, I would force you to replay this to me on a daily basis!

If you’re far from this, then I suggest you leave aegyo to us girls. (Flings Hair)

23. 주사가심한남자
Guys who will die if they don’t drink (alcohol). I think guys who can hold a certain alcohol level is manly. I like guys who appreciates alcohol like wine tasting. I certainly have no tolerance of people addicted to alcohol or an alcoholic. If you start to gasp for air when you’ve not been drinking for some time. It’s time you get yourself into an alcohol rehabilitation program.

24. 여자친구한테돈아끼는남자
Guys who are very stingy when it comes to spending money on woman. It depends on how you define a stingy person. I for one, do not like it when a guy starts to whine and complain at how much your plate of rice cost in a hawker centre. If a plate of rice only costs $3, and he’s whining because it is higher  in price by $0.50. Well then, I suggest he go eat himself. However if a plate of steak costs $100 and he’s whining and complaining at how expensive it is for him. Then I guess it is something girlfriends should reflect on, isn’t it?

Wow! This article has finally come to an end. I didn’t know it would take so long to translate and post initially. I mean, reading the article only took less than 5min for me. Yet posting took me forever. Now that I’ve gotten it out of my system, I can go back into procrastination. (?!)

Nah… I have more posts coming up. Stay tuned! XD

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