• Shrug It Off Me

    Monday back at work
    I think a decision has been made sub-consciously

    Why should I take things so seriously and put myself on the chopping board?
    5 years down the road, I won’t be here anymore
    I don’t see myself here even next year
    There’s simply no reason for me to take the rap for what’s happening now

    Since everyone doesn’t seem to care
    I shall wash my hands off it too!

  • S.O.S

    This is not good

    The feeling I have now
    Reminds me so much of my Jetstar days

    I don’t feel like going out to see anyone
    There seems to be judging eyes on me all the time
    If I turn, the person behind me is probably passing comments on me

    I dread going to work so badly
    Feels like waking up in a hospital is better off lying in my bed at home
    At least I don’t have to turn up for work the next day
    I don’t need to expose myself to those people whose heart is so malicious

    I want to run away from everything

    Please give me something to cling on
    Before I lose myself… …

  • Focus

    It’s like the bitter before sweetness
    I am draining all my braincells for exams
    Fear that I would fail and get binded for another torturous semester

    I want to be excited for the trip
    But these papers are really getting to me

    Breathe and Focus

  • Keep Saint

    I desperately need a break
    I’m trying to drive myself up the wall
    And trying to be saint at the same time
    Losing myself
    Slowly… …

    Til I lost myself completely

  • Breathe Again

    I must have lost myself recently
    Getting irritated at the slightest things
    Not tolerant to anything that doesn’t follow my heart


    Thought I lost something that belong to the company since last week
    Searching high and low for it everywhere in office and home
    Almost gave up when I saw it lying innocently in my office drawer


    Thought I lost my eye shadow brush
    Haven’t been using eye shadow for more than a week because of that
    And it was all along in the pouch I bring out everyday


    Where did they disappear off to, I wonder?
    A 4th dimension perhaps

    Now we all know what my mind is pre-occupied with
    Tsk Tsk

  • No More Naps!

    I must have woken on the wrong side of bed this morning
    Something is simply not right

    Perhaps I shouldn’t have taken the nap yesterday afternoon
    Tossing and turning in bed the whole night
    Knowing you’d be damn tired the next day


    Anyway a plan is in place for getaway
    This year has been stressed and filled to the brim
    So many things to worry about
    Work and school is stressing me out way too much
    I need to run away from everything!!!

    A graduation trip to reward myself perhaps?

    I hope it’ll eventually fall into place

  • Fantasies

    I have so much fantasies
    But I’m indulging in it within my own small world
    It doesn’t matter, actually
    After all, they are just mere harmless thoughts that make me happy

    But I chid myself for having them
    I wanna stay my saint self 24/7

    Such dilemma

    I shouldn’t be worrying about all these things at this time
    Especially when I’m supposedly rushing report for school
    School things are back weighing on my mind constantly now

    I need to get myself on the running track again tomorrow
    To shed off all the burdens


  • VS

    Someone said there is a difference between things you can do well and things you’d like to do well
    This statement got me thinking
    What have I been keeping myself busy with?

    I guess I’m just preoccupied with things I can do well with
    So that I can invest in things I’d like to do well
    Or not
    I guess it’s rather
    Investing in things I’d like and might not even do well in

    Either way
    I’m just trying to make myself happier
    It’s just that I somehow got lost along the way

    I wish too much

    I wish our world is smaller
    And our hearts would meet

    I wish things were less difficult
    And I could push myself harder

    I wish I could right the wrongs I made in the past
    Those wrongs that got me to where I am today

    I need a Santa Claus

  • I’m the Cause?

    If things don’t turn for the better
    The problem could be lying with me
    Perhaps I myself am the root of all the troubles

    Yet again
    I find it hard to change myself and change the situation
    So what should I do?
    What is there left to do?

    On a lighter note
    One of the loots brought back from Korea

    Fiction and Fact album by BEAST

    I am missing the members already…
    It seems like only yesterday that they are right in front of me

    It looks kinda weird placing the album beside my bias from Super Junior isn’t it?